Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hi there " Avatar, " now I can judge more than your na'vi's ugly

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I watched " Avatar " yesterday, and was about to write a long detailed review of the film where I commented many aspects of it, but then I noticed it would be too rushed and unfair and I don't care enough to get too into it. My mother told me to write one, because I told her my opinion on the film after watching it.

TL;DR-ver When you're going to make something big and serious, when you're giving it your all spending billions of money, then at least create a composition where the different elements match in quality and style.

Yes, I realize, this TL;DR can mean a lot of things, and sometimes it doesn't even apply. But in Avatar's case, I feel that way. Fine, if I am not mistaken, their goal was to make a stunning new world visually with 3D-effects, (which I didn't get to see fully anyway since we didn't have the 3D-version) and I'm going to pressume they reached this goal. But that just doesn't do it; other parts were mood-breaking.

On another note, sorry, but I'm not impressed by your elaborate 3D-work in the first place. It just plain doesn't impress me, I think it's a waste when you can spend your efforts differently. Yes, call me an old-fashioned ignorant moron, I can see myself being one. I'm attracted to charm and can't find it here. *laugh*

Yes, yes the concept is good. It's good, but the good parts of it are expressed through what I saw as minor details in the film. I just couldn't feel it. I picked up on a few things I found to be nice, but they didn't manage to express it so that I could feel the fascination. I like the ways of the na'vi, I like the ways of the nature and the animals. I like the bonds, the idea is dreamy and nice, a kind of romantic concept I could make up on the spot personally. *laugh*

What happened is, I got disturbed by a sauce of plainness that was spilled all over Pandora; generic plot, characters, music, theme...
You know, they could've avoided that. For what I know, maybe they were afraid they would not appeal to the masses if they went an unconventional road? I don't know the creators, but that would've been just sad.

Someone genius could've borrowed the concept of Pandora and make something great out of it, I am sure. I've heard people comparing it to The Dark Crystal, and felt insulted in the name of my favorite movie, but the truth is that making competition for The Dark Crystal with this concept is possible. ( Though it'd be distastefully flashier ) It's just that they didn't do it. They didn't take their cute little opportunity. And that's just unfortunate for them, because they won't earn my ultimate admiration. ( As if that's something to aim for ^ ^);; )

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