Friday, November 26, 2010

I guess I just ruined my delicately made blog.

Perhaps I'll let it be simple at first.
I can improve it later if I have the time and patience.

But the point is that I want to try my best to update you on my life.


Why am I so terrible at blogging.
so. terrible..

By the way, my computer crashed. And I lost loads of pictures. of all kinds of things.
But I'm borrowing Tj's computer right now, which is lovely. I have to thank him very much for the generousity.

I will try... to blog again. Soon.


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Baby, lolita is serious business.

So is herpaderping with friends and huuuge head eating bows. And random flowers on sleeves. etc.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I HATE TINYPIC SO FRAKING MUCH RIGHT NOW OH MY GOD just die. I mean get back to life. You're being freaking silly, why?